Karbon Elektrot

carbon electrode

Karbon Elektrot

The main raw materials of carbon electrodes are petroleum coke, anthracite, and metallurgical coke. Sometimes, a tiny amount of graphitized fragments are added and made through batching, molding, roasting, and mechanical processing. It is an excellent carbonaceous conductor material. They are used in medium and small electric arc furnaces and electric furnaces to produce ferroalloys, yellow phosphorus, and corundum as conductive electrodes.

What is Carbon Electrode?

Carbon conductive electrode, also known as carbon electrode, is made from high quality petroleum coke, pitch coke, etc. as the main raw materials. It can be processed into finished products after roasting. Because it’s not graphitized, their resistivity is higher than grafit elektrot.

Mükemmel elektrik iletkenliğine sahiptirler. Bunun nedeni, esas olarak serbest elektronların akışına elverişli olan ve düşük dirençliliğe sahip metalik bağlarla kaplı kovalent bağlı karbon atomlarından oluşmasıdır.


Carbon electrodes are mainly used for submerged arc furnaces. The smelting varieties include industrial silicon, yellow phosphorus, ferroalloys, calcium carbide and other metals or non-metals.

In the industrial silicon smelting process, electric current passes through the conductor electrode and the furnace charge, converting electrical energy into thermal energy through electrolysisfor high-temperature smelting.

carbon electrode for submerged arc furnace


Generally, the ratio of the capacity of the submerged arc furnace to the diameter of the carbon electrode is as follows:

Submerged arc furnace capacity(KVA) 6300 8000 12500 25000
Electrode Diameter Specification(mm) 780/800 900 960/1020 1272


Ana Özellik:

Elektriksel İletkenlik: They possess exceptional electrical conductivity, which promotes efficient electrical energy transmission. This property makes them suitable for applications such as electrolysis.

Mekanik Dayanım: Önemli mekanik mukavemete sahiptirler, bu da operasyonlar sırasında mekanik gerilimlere ve gerilmelere dayanmalarını sağlar. Bu kalite, mekanik kuvvetler veya titreşimlerle uğraşan uygulamalar için hayati önem taşır.

Termal Sağlamlık: Yüksek termal kararlılık gösterirler, bu da önemli bir bozulma olmadan yüksek sıcaklıklara dayanmalarını sağlar. Bu özellik özellikle elektrik ark fırınları veya dirençli ısıtma gibi yüksek ısı içeren prosesler için önemlidir.

Kimyasal İnertlik: They are corrosion resistant and chemically nonreactive. So this property makes them applicable in aggressive environments where other materials would degrade.

Üretimde Avantajlar:

The production of raw materials for it is relatively simple as it eliminates the grafitleştirme process. This results in a lower price than graphite electrodes, as graphitization is energy-intensive.

It can be fabricated in submerged arc furnaces with larger diameters, retaining the same capacity as grafit elektrot. By producing carbon electrode rod with diameters ranging from Φ600 to Φ1400mm, the arc belt in the furnace broadens, ensuring a stable arc. This guarantees better thermal melting efficiency, increased product output, and lower power consumption.

It serving as conductive electrodes in submerged arc furnaces, offer substantial advantages in cost reduction. They aid in energy conservation, emission reduction, and enhancing smelting efficiency and safety.

As a carbon electrode manufacturer, JINSUN use high-quality raw materials to produce products to help your submerged arc furnace production.


Elektrotun Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özellikleri 

Mülkiyet Birim Değer
Dirençlilik μΩ.m 11.0
Eğilme Dayanımı MPa 6.0
Young Modülü GPa 12.0
Termal Genleşme Katsayısı ×10^-6/℃ 3.2
Yoğunluk g/cm3 1.58
Karbon içeriği % 90
Kül % 10



Graphite Electrode and Carbon Product Manufacturer