Grafit Plaka

Grafit Plaka

Grafit Plaka

Graphite Plate is used in many industries, which are paper, electronic, cement, chemical, aerospace, etc., for different functions and purposes. It comes in different sizes and shapes and can easily be customized according to per requirements. Fine graphite plate is used as sealing material. It is usually thinner than graphite sheets, always uniformly flat, and has 90° angled corners. It is affordable compared to other graphite products and simple in manufacturing,and can have a patterned design and smooth texture.

Graphite Plates for Different Industries

It is usually made of petroleum coke and pitch coke, with high thermal conductivity, good electrical conductivity, and corrosion resistance. It is commonly used for electrolysis, electroplating,and electrochemistry of water or chemical solutions.

Herşeyden önce, bu malzemenin durağanlığı nedeniyle grafit, it does not react chemically with the chemical substances in the solution at room temperature. Therefore, it is often used for water elektroliz, such as sewage treatment, to decompose hydrogen and oxygen.

When use it in electrolytic cells. It can be immersed in hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid solution and used as an anode. Due to its excellent electrical conductivity,  you can use it to carry current in electroplating.

Because it is very wear-resistant and has a high surface finish, they are used in the aluminum alloy industry to produce smooth and beautiful products.  Also used in mechanical equipment.


Elektroliz Electroplating Enegy

Electrolysis inductry                                               Electroplating industry                                                          Enegy industry


Types of Graphite Plate

There are three kinds of materials: high-purity graphite, fine particle, and isostatic graphite.

The density of the high-purity series is very high, at 1.80-1.85g/cm3.

The particle size of the fine particles is 2mm, 0.8mm, with good wear resistance and moderate price.

The isostatic series is the first choice for the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries.

With various specifications and customized products, It can meet your different industry demands.


High-purity graphite plate Fine particle graphite electrode Isostatic graphite plate


Temel Özellikler

Yüksek Isı İletkenliği: Çeşitli termal yönetim uygulamalarında ısıyı hızlı bir şekilde aktarabilir.

Mükemmel Elektrik Direnci: Elektrolitik ve elektronik uygulamalar için uygundur, güvenilir yalıtım sağlar ve ark veya kısa devreleri önler.

Kimyasal Direnç: Çoğu aşındırıcı kimyasallara ve asitlere karşı dayanıklıdır, bu da onu kimyasal işleme endüstrisi için ideal hale getirir. Zorlu kimyasal ortamlarda bile aşınmaz veya oksitlenmez.

Mekanik Güç ve Kararlılık: Yüksek gerilme mukavemeti ve termal döngü altında düşük genleşme. Zorlu ortamlara dayanabilir ve zaman içinde yapısal bütünlüğünü koruyabilir.

Hassas İşlenmiş: Hassas boyutlar ve pürüzsüz yüzey kalitesi sağlar. Bu, çeşitli sistemlere ve uygulamalara kolay entegrasyon sağlayarak kurulum sırasında zamandan ve emekten tasarruf sağlar.

Why choose us?

  • Non-standard sizes can be designed and manufactured with drawings and samples.
  • High temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and long life.
  • Widely used in thermal mining, METALURJİ, chemical industry and other industries.