UHP graphite electrodes are mainly produced from needle coke and pitch coke, which are high-temperature resistant conductor materials. It is mainly used in electric arc furnace steelmaking. High-quality graphite electrodes can reduce ton consumption and improve production efficiency. Normally, the consumption per ton of steel for our UHP 600 graphite electrode is 0.9kg.
The following are the applications of electric arc furnaces and graphite electrode uhp 600
Base Furnace Information
Application (AC / DC)
Furnace ID
Quantum Electric Arc Furnace
Furnace Capacity in MT
Annual Production MT
0.84 million MT
Graphite Electrode Data
Electrode Diameter (mm)
Min Dia. (mm)
Max Dia. (mm)
Electrode Length (mm)
Min Length (mm)
Max Length (mm)
Nipple Size Dia X length (mm)
317.50 X 457.20
About weight/kg
Nipple Type (IEC)
Pitch Plug (Yes/No)
Dust Groove (Yes/No)
Electrode Consumption Nett kg/MT
1kg/MT steel production
Electrode Consumption Gross kg/MT
Avg. % Breaks/Month
Oxidized Length (M)
Tip Diameter (mm)
Виробництво з використанням високоякісного голчастого коксу
Використання високоякісного голчастого коксу та модифікованого пекового в'яжучого для виробництва високоякісних графітових електродів UHP робить можливим стійкість до високих енергетичних навантажень та роботу з високими струмами.
With the development of the industrial economy, many countries have reformed. They are actively stipulating the self-sufficiency system of steel production.They have introduced electric arc furnace steelmaking one after another.
Quality requirements:
1. In terms of appearance and surface parameters, the графітові електроди must meet the following requirements:
on-perpendicularity of the generatrix of the electrode surface to the end should not be more than 0.20 mm.
-the flatness of the end surfaces of the electrode should not be more than 0.15 mm.
– ovality and conicity of the generatrix of the electrode surface should not exceed half the tolerance on the diameter of the electrode. The depressions should not exceed the maximum deviations in the diameter of the electrode.
– on the surface of the electrodes are not allowed:
1) chipped edges of each end with a depth of more than 8 mm, a total length of more than 40 mm;
2) chips and shells on the surface with a depth of more than 8 mm, a length of 20 mm;
3) more than two longitudinal cracks at a distance of at least 200 mm from the bottom of the nipple socket to the middle of the electrode with a length of more than 5% of the perimeter of the electrode section;
4) transverse cracks.
2. In terms of appearance and surface parameters, nipples and nipple sockets must comply with the following requirements.
– misalignment of the nipple socket relative to the generatrix should not be more than 1 mm.
– the ovality of the nipple seat along the inner diameter in the area up to 60 ° should not be more than 0.6 mm.
– recesses from centering on the ends of the nipples should not be more than 15 mm.
– on the surface of nipples and nipple sockets it is not allowed:
1) more than two chips of threads with a length of more than 15 mm;
Contact us for high quality UHP Graphite Electrode 600.