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Grafito Material

Material de grafito

Grafito Material

Graphite materials come in many different types and offer a variety of properties including electrical conductivity, high temperature corrosion resistance, and more. Used to manufacture crucibles, electrodes, heat exchangers, brushes, etc. It is an industrial carbon-based material that is indispensable for industrial production.

What Is Graphite Material?

Graphite is a type of carbon used for different applications. It is a natural resource of unparalleled composition that can be used for multipurpose. The structure of graphite is characteristic and determines its properties. Compared to others, it very soft materials and has a specific hardness. In simple terms, it is carbon atoms in the form of layers. Graphite consists of stacked layers in which the atoms are arranged in hexagons. That’s because these layers can slide on top of one another, which helps to give graphite its characteristics as a lubricant. Graphite density does vary depending on the grades and types of graphite. There are various grades of the graphite available for specific apliction and they posses spesifics as well.


Alta conductividad eléctrica

It is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. In many applications (e.g., where electric currents are needed) its use is widespread. Its formulation makes it a good conductor of electricity. The structure of graphite is to allow electrons to move freely and this is why it conducts electricity so well.

Excellent Heat Resistance

Graphite can resist extremely high temperatures. This is what makes it so helpful for actually just quite a very vast market, especially into sectors in which heat-resistance qualities are significant. In addition to this you will be amazed at the uses it has in environments heat would cause other materials to melt. To be formed into electrodes, it is combined with a binder and crushed coal to prevent cracking at high temperatures.

Lubrication Properties

Graphite is also a natural lubricant. The layers of atoms in graphite are able to slide over each other because the overlap between valence electron connections is small. In fact this property is highly effective especially in industries wear friction needs to be reduced. Biodiesel is often used in machines to lubricate parts for smooth movement.

Estabilidad química

Graphite is chemically a very stable material. It is non-reactive with all but a few substances and comes in extensive use for corrosive environments. Its notable features include a resistance to corrosion and chemical attack. That is why it can be found at chemical plants quite often.

Types of Graphite Material

Grafito moldeado

Molded graphite, which is made by compressing powdered graphite into a mold. Of which, it is uniform in density and are used across multiple applications. They are adaptable and can be molded according to your needs. Molded graphite is graded based on its strength, hardness and other specifications.

Grafito extruido

Grafito extruido is made by forcing graphite through a die. This functionality has a peculiar structure in which it is specialized in a few tasks. This class is just a little less dense than molded graphite. It is frequently used in products such as rods and tubes, where the shape ofraw material matters.

Vibration Graphite

Vibration Graphite, vibration is used to form the graphite particles. This leads to a different density andcomposition as compared with the other types. Vibration Graphite is used any time special specs are called for. It is frequently chosen as a result of its cost-effectiveness.

Grafito isostático

The main purpose of grafito isostático with isotropic and uniform properties in all directions. It is of a very fine and kind structure. They can also have very high density and are mostly used for extremely tight tolerances. It is the preferred choice for industries like aerospace because of its consistent composition.

Uses of Graphite Material


One of the most common use cases for graphite is in batteries. It is located in the anodes of lithium-ion batteries. It is a stable, solid formed material with high electrical conductivity which are attributes that makes them perfect for energy storage. Graphite ensures effective charging and power delivery of pilas.

Industrial Lubrication

It is also an ideal material for industrial because of the natural lubricating properties. This is used for situations in which oils or greases can fail. It also helps prevent the friction of moving parts, allowing machines to run smoothly. It is also used in areas with temperature extremes because other lubricants would decompose there.

Materiales refractarios

Materiales refractarios must contain graphite. These are materials that line furnaces and kilns. Thisheat resistance allows graphite to stand up to the extremely high temperatures that come with these types of applications. Their structure prevents them from breaking down with exposure to the intense heat.


Graphite is a raw material in steelmaking industry. It serves as a carbon additive for the production of high-quality steel. You often find it in winders on Electric Arc Furnaces. Another important use of graphite available in Graphite Stocks is its ability to control the amount of steel’s carbon content which, when done correctly make it more potent and stable.

Aerospace and Automotive

Graphite is used in aerospace as well as automotive industries. This is crucial in these sectors due to the fact it’s a lightweight composition as well as heat tolerant. You will get them in residual engine parts, brake systems, and even inside of heat shields. The various grades of graphite products employed in these industries are assorted according to the qualities.



Graphite is a relatively cheap material. It is available cheaply as a raw material and hence it can process easily thought the manufacturing unit.

Alto rendimiento

Graphite is high performing for every use case. The high electrical conductivity, heat resistance and lubrication properties make this material effective. You will see this often used in cases where performance is an issue. A special formula means it will perform even under the harshest of conditions.

Respetuoso con el medio ambiente

Graphite is environmentally friendly. Being carbon-based, it is naturally ubiquitous and safe. Processing its raw material does not also create any toxic by-product. But opting for graphite may limit the environmental impact of certain processes.