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Графітовий електрод UHP

uhp graphite electrode

Графітовий електрод UHP

UHP graphite electrodes are used for electric arc furnace and high-load ladle furnaces. This electrode is characterized by a low electrical resistivity and a high permissible current load. In the electric arc furnace steelmaking process, the current density allowed to pass is greater than 25A/cm2. The production of it uses needle coke as raw material, and multiple impregnation and roasting are used in the production process. With the rapid development of electric furnace steelmaking, high-power and ultra-high-power electric arc furnaces are becoming more popular. We manufacturer and supply graphite electrodes with diameters ranging from 250-600 mm with nipples.

UHP graphite electrode is mainly used for smelting scrap steel in eaf steelmaking production.

This is a process in which it is used as a high temperature resistant conductor, and three-phase alternating current is used as a power source. Електричні дуги are generated between  electrodes and metal materials, and then the high temperature of the arcs is used to heat and melt the furnace materials.

They are mainly used in DC electric arc furnaces, AC electric arc furnaces and ladle refining furnaces. The purpose of refining is to improve the quality of steel, this process uses the arc generated between the electrode and the molten steel to heat the EAF steelmaking.


Graphite electrodes for AC electric arc furnace    UHP graphite electrode in DC electric arc furnace.   Graphite electrodes for ladle refining furnace

( In AC electric furnace)                                        (In DC electric furnace)                                                    (In Ladle refining furnace)


Raw materials for graphite electrodes -Needle Coke

Needle coke gets its name because its crushed particles are like elongated needles. It is a high-quality coke with pronounced anisotropy and a lustrous long-fiber structure. Their molecular structure is arranged orderly and has suitable graphitization properties. At the same time, it has many advantages, such as low thermal expansion coefficient, porosity, and electrical conductivity.

Therefore, needle coke is a key raw material in the production process of ultra-high power graphite електроди. The needle coke content of our UHP grade is 100%, and it determines the price of graphite electrode.


Основні характеристики

Висока термостійкість: It can withstand high temperatures during the electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking process. Even in harsh high temperatures up to 3600 degrees Celsius, it will not melt or deform or be damaged under the action of strong arcs.

Низький питомий опір: The specific resistance of the electrode body is below 5.0g∕㎝3а вага соска не перевищує 4,0 г∕㎝.3. At this time, the resistance to current is small, reducing power loss.

Висока щільність: The overall structure has smaller porosity, reducing electrode consumption.

Хороша електропровідність: They have low ash content, are heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant. Therefore they are excellent conductive materials used in electric arc furnaces at high temperatures.

Висока механічна міцність: У процесі замішування частинки коксу рівномірно перемішуються і міцно з'єднуються. Тому міцність на вигин і стиск висока.

Малий коефіцієнт теплового розширення: Оскільки голчастий кокс додається в процесі виробництва, заготовка легше графітується при високих температурах понад 2000 ℃. Чим кращий ступінь графітизації, тим менший коефіцієнт теплового розширення.


UHP Graphite Electrode Price.

It is important to note that the price of it may vary due to market conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and other external factors. In addition, the rising cost of raw materials such as needle coke has also driven the price.

Your professional UHP graphite electrode manufacturer

As a graphite electrode producer in China, Jinsun has a complete production line, including raw material mixing, roasting, impregnation, graphitization, processing, etc. Our factory supply high quality UHP grade graphite electrodes for your EAF steelmaking production.


Фізичні та хімічні властивості електрода та ніпеля

Графітовий електрод UHP Unit Diameter
12”-16” 18”-22” 24”-26” 28”-32”
Specific resistance Electrode μΩ·m

6.0 6.5 6.5 5.5
Nipple 5.0 5.5 5.5 4.5
Transverse strength Electrode ΜРa

11.0 10.5 10.5 11.0
Nipple 16.0 15.0 15.0 16.0
Elastic modulus Electrode GРa

14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0
Nipple 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0
Bulk Density Electrode g∕㎝3

1.65 1.65 1.66 1.68
Nipple 1.76 1.76 1.74 1.75


Electrode 10-6∕℃

1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4
Nipple 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3
Ash content % 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2


Allowable Current-Carrying Capacities

Nominal UHP Graphite Electrodes
mm inch Current-Carrying


Current Density


300 12 15000~22220 20~32
350 14 20000~30300 20~32
400 16 25000~40400 19~32
450 18 32000~45450 19~29
500 20 38000~55550 18~29
550 22 42000~64640 17~28
600 24 50000~76760 17~27
700 28 70000~91000 18~24


China UHP/HP/RP Graphite Electrode Supplier For Electric Arc Furnaces, Ladle Refining Furnaces and Submerged Arc Furnaces
