Grafitin kimyasal formülü nedir?

Karbon malzeme

Grafit ve Kimyasal Formülü

Graphite, like diamond and carbon nanotubes, is an allotrope of carbon. The graphite chemistry formula is C. C is in group 14 of the periodic table. It comprises carbon atoms layered structure with a hexagonal planar network structure and is a non-metallic mineral. These layers can easily slide over one another, making the graphite highly lubricated.

Grafitin iki paketleme şekli vardır: biri altıgen kristal sistemi, and the other is an orthorhombic crystal system. The orthorhombic crystal system accounts for 20%-30% of doğal grafit, and it will become a hexagonal crystal system after being treated at a high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius. Scientists believe no such thing as substantially graphitic crystals with the ideal structure exists.

graphite chemical formula-Graphite manufacturer

Grafitin Fiziksel Özellikleri

Grafitin rengi koyu gridir ve malzeme ince, yumuşak ve yağlıdır. Sertliği 1-2 ve özgül ağırlığı 1.9-2.3'tür. İzole oksijen altında erime noktası, sıcaklığa en dayanıklı minerallerden biri olan 3000 santigrat derecenin üzerindedir.

Furthermore, its layered structure leads to unique physical properties. Weak van der Waals forces hold the carbon layers together, allowing them to slide over each other easily. This characteristic makes graphite an effective lubricant. Moreover, it also has a high melting point and good thermal stability due to the strong covalent bonds within the carbon layer.

Elektriksel ve Termal İletkenlik

Graphite’s electrical conductivity is derived from its unique crystal structure. Composed of hexagonal layers, each carbon atom within graphite is covalently linked to three others. The fourth outer-shell electron of each carbon atom is free to move along the layers, forming a “sea” of delocalized electrons. These electrons are integral to its high electrical conductivity, enabling an effective electricity transmission upon applying voltage.

Benzer şekilde, eşsiz yapısı da kayda değer termal iletkenliğinden sorumludur. Karbon atomlarının sistematik ve altıgen katmanlaşması, bu atomların titreşimleri yoluyla ısı enerjisinin etkili bir şekilde aktarılmasını kolaylaştırır. Bu fenomen, fonon iletimi, mükemmel ısı iletim özelliklerinden sorumludur.

Özellikle, grafitin termal iletkenliği anizotropiktir, yani ısı akış yönüne göre değişir. Sıkıca paketlenmiş karbon atomları ve etkin fonon iletimi sayesinde katmanlara paralel olarak yüksek ısı iletkenliği sergiler. Tersine, bu katmanlar arasındaki daha geniş aralık ve daha az atomik etkileşim nedeniyle katmanlara dik olan termal iletkenlik nispeten düşüktür.

Grafitin Kullanım Alanları

Kalemlerden Pillere

The vast array of graphite’s applications can be traced back to its chemical structure. It acts as a lubricant, so you can use it to make a pencil – the carbon layer slides across the paper, leaving a trail of carbon marks (pencil marks). In electronics, its conductivity leads to its use in Piller and as elektrotlar.

Üst Düzey Endüstriyel ve Teknolojik Kullanımlar

Graphite’s high-temperature stability and corrosion resistance have given it special use in industrial applications, such as grafit elektrotlar for eaf steelmaking and smelting other metals or alloys.

When graphite is used as an electrode, there are three types: RP, HP and UHP graphite electrodes. Steel mills can use them in electric arc furnaces, ladle refining furnaces and submerged arc furnaces for steelmaking.

In technology, you can use it in heat sinks to dissipate heat from electronic components. Even in the field of nuclear energy, it is used as a neutron moderator in some types of nuclear reactors.

Sonuç olarak

Graphite is a unique form of karbon, Its chemical formula, C, signifies its composition, with each carbon atom bonded to three others in a hexagonal lattice structure. This arrangement grants graphite exceptional properties, such as its lubricity, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability.

Knowing the graphite formula chemistry helps to understand its molecular structure and highlights its importance in METALURJİ, the chemical industry, electronics, energy storage,and other industrial fields. By delving into the  formula for carbon graphite, we gain a deeper appreciation for this remarkable substance and its diverse range of uses.