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Why Graphite Electrode For Electric Arc Furnace?

Графитовый электрод


Graphite electrode used for electric arc furnace and are important in many industrial processes. In this blog post, we will discuss the various advantages of graphite electrodes, including their high conductivity, corrosion resistance, and low resistance properties. Graphite electrodes can transmit electric current stably and efficiently. You can continue reading to learn more about the benefits of using graphite electrodes.

Graphite electrode for Electric Arc Furnace can be used at extremely high temperatures.

Graphite electrodes can withstand temperatures up to 3,500 degrees Celsius, making them ideal for high-temperature applications such as metal melting and refining. This makes furnace graphite electrodes reliable for working at extremely high temperatures.

In addition, its thermal conductivity is very high, comparable to metals such as aluminum and brass. The thermal conductivity of graphite is due to the vibration of electrons in the crystal, which creates heat transfer. In general, the thermal conductivity of graphite electrodes decreases with increasing temperature.

EAF graphite electrodes used for smlting- graphite electrode manufacturer in China

It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Графитовые электроды имеют низкий коэффициент теплового расширения, or CTE for short. It refers to the phenomenon that the length of a solid material increases with increasing temperature. CTE is an important quality indicator. Because the electrodes have to work at a temperature of 3000 ℃ or above, production requirements will increase or decrease the temperature.

At this time, it is required that the size of the conductor does not change significantly, and graphite electrodes meet this requirement. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is minimal compared to metals, and it will not crack or fracture due to temperature fluctuations. The higher the quality of the graphite electrode and the higher the degree of graphitization, the smaller its thermal expansion coefficient.

Good electrical conductivity.

The graphite electrode for electric arc furnace has good electrical conductivity due to its carbon composition, so it can conduct electricity efficiently. They also have low resistance compared to other materials and provide excellent protection against power surges. Графитовые электроды также устойчивы к коррозии, то есть не ржавеют при воздействии различных жидкостей и газов, что делает их идеальными для использования в суровых условиях.

Graphite Electrode Spot Supply - China Manufacturers and Suppliers-Jinsun Carbon


Они устойчивы к коррозии.

Graphite electrodes have strong corrosion resistance due to their unique structure and excellent physical and chemical properties. It consists of a unique molecular structure composed of layers of carbon atoms bonded together in a hexagonal lattice.

It can remain stable under high-temperature conditions or in corrosive or oxidizing gas and liquid environments. Examples include the high-temperature environments of electric arc furnaces, blast furnaces, or aggressive chemicals in chemical plants. It is highly corrosion-resistant and will not be corroded. This metal is incomparable.

Они имеют низкое сопротивление.

Графитовые электроды известны своими низкое электрическое сопротивление, which ensures efficient current transfer. To be precise, resistance is closely related to production materials and processes. Needle coke is added to the production of raw materials, and after roasting and graphitization, its physical properties, including electrical resistance, are enhanced.

Graphitization in the production process is particularly critical, a process of continuous power supply at a high temperature of about 2700 ℃. The method of intensive graphitization can significantly reduce the resistivity of the finished electrode.

Generally, the resistivity of graphite electrodes is not greater than 8.5-11.0μΩ·m.

Они имеют низкий модуль упругости.

Графитовые электроды известны своей низкой модуль упругости. Графит Электроды могут поглощать удары или вибрацию без значительных деформаций или растрескивания. Это является важным преимуществом, поскольку гарантирует, что электрод может выдерживать различные условия без ослабления или повреждения.

Кроме того, благодаря гибкости и прочности материала, мы можем использовать графитовые электроды, когда другие металлы выходят из строя или ломаются. Это делает его универсальным выбором для многих применений.


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