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Подготовка электродов из углеродной пасты: Исчерпывающее руководство

Углеграфитовые изделия

Carbon paste electrodes are widely used in various electrochemical applications due to their excellent electrical conductivity and versatility. Its fabrication process requires careful attention to detail and precise techniques to ensure optimal electrode performance.

In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of carbon paste electrode fabrication, including necessary materials, critical steps, and important considerations.

Learn about the preparation of carbon paste electrode:

Успешная подготовка электрод с угольной пастой неотделима от выбора высококачественного сырья. Вот основные компоненты:

Petroleum Coke: The choice of нефтяной кокс is critical because it directly affects the conductivity and stability of the electrode. The measurement standard is mainly low sulfur and low ash, which belongs to easy graphitization carbon.

Pitch coke: It is a high-quality raw material with high carbon content, good mechanical strength, low ash, and low sulfur. In carbon production, the advantages of good mechanical strength are mainly used to improve the mechanical properties of products.

Binder: The binder is necessary to hold the carbon particles together and provide cohesion to the electrode. Its assortment includes polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), paraffin, and various resins, which can be selected according to the desired properties and target applications.

Carbon Paste Electrode Preparation - JINSUN Carbon


How to make carbon paste electrode?

Petroleum coke selection

Depending on the required performance and application, indicators such as particle size, purity, and electrical conductivity should be considered at this stage to ensure the use of high-quality raw materials.


Mix raw materials and binders at a certain temperature and time to achieve uniform mixing. The kneading effect makes all the carbon physically bond and solidifies to form, improving strength and reducing resistivity.


It is a process in which various solid raw materials are subjected to high-temperature heat treatment under air-isolated conditions. Its function is to increase the product’s density, электропроводность, и механическая прочность.


Mainly compression molding. Under pressure, the particles are displaced and deformed to compact the briquette and remove the gas.


Heating the green body in the roasting furnace while isolating the air. During this process, the green body undergoes significant changes, volume shrinkage, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity increase.

Storage and Handling

To maintain the quality and performance of carbon paste electrodes, they must be appropriately stored in airtight containers. Proper labeling and packaging ensure ease of use and longevity.

В заключение:

Carbon paste electrode preparation is a meticulous process that requires expertise and attention to detail. Select suitable petroleum coke, pitch coke, and binders, and follow precise steps. We can create high-performing products with excellent conductivity and stability.

Освоение технологии приготовления электродов из углеродной пасты открывает безграничные возможности для электрохимических исследований и приложений. Используются ли они в аналитической химии, биосенсорах или других областях, они представляют собой универсальный и надежный инструмент для точных измерений и проницательных открытий.