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synthetic graphite powder uses


Graphitpulver ist die perfekte Wahl für verschiedene industrielle und gewerbliche Anwendungen. Unser hochwertiges, hochtemperaturbehandeltes Pulver ist ideal für Schmiermittel, Ofenpolitur, Bleistifte, Elektroden, Bremsbeläge, Batterien, Pulvermetallurgie, Glasherstellung und leitfähige Beschichtungen. Dank seiner überragenden Festigkeit und Haltbarkeit können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass unser synthetisches Graphitpulver seine Aufgabe erfüllt.

Was ist Graphitpulver?

It is a finer form of graphite, a naturally occurring form of carbon in powdered form. Graphite has a unique structure consisting of stacked layers of carbon atoms held together by strong covalent bonds within each layer and weak van der Waals forces between layers. This structure gives it unique properties such as excellent lubricity, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability.

What is it made of?

Graphite powder is in the form of fine powder and its main component is carbon. Its raw materials are mainly divided into two types: natural and artificial.

Natural graphite mainly comes from raw ore, which is made by mechanical grinding, chemical reduction and other methods.

Artificial graphite is produced by screening and removing impurities. It is an inorganic non-metallic material with higher purity.

Wozu soll das gut sein?

Aufgrund seines hohen Schmelzpunkts und seiner Verschleißfestigkeit wird es als Schmiermittel für Industriemaschinen verwendet, das nicht häufig ausgetauscht werden muss. Es wird auch zur Herstellung von Produkten auf Graphitbasis wie Bleistiften und Farben verwendet. Außerdem kann es zur Herstellung folgender Produkte verwendet werden Graphenein Material mit einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum, z. B. in der Halbleiterindustrie, KohlefasernNanoröhren, Verbundwerkstoffe, usw.

It is also has another important use, which is as a carburizing agent for steelmaking. When used as a carburizing agent for eaf steelmaking, it is the debris cut off during the processing of artificial Graphitelektroden. Because the carbon content of this kind of debris is as high as 99%.

In the process of eaf steelmaking, in order to ensure that the quality of the smelted product meets the standards, the carbon content in the molten steel needs to be adjusted. It plays a role in increasing carbon at this time, and due to the high carbon content (more than 90%), it is not only easily absorbed by the molten steel, but also greatly increases the dissolution speed of the molten steel.

Je nach Verwendungszweck variieren auch die Partikelgröße und der Reinheitsgrad. Bei der Verwendung in Stahlöfen werden höhere Reinheitsanforderungen gestellt. Vor allem gibt es strenge Anforderungen an den S- und P-Gehalt. Der S-Gehalt sollte unter 0,2% und der P-Gehalt unter 0,02% liegen.


Metallurgy industry lithium battery industry Electric arc furnace(eaf)steelmaking


What are its properties?

It is a non-metallic mineral material.  It has high electrical and thermal conductivity, extremely high melting point; good lubricity, plasticity and chemical stability, and is not corroded by acids, alkalis and organic solvents. Because of these properties, it is widely used in chemical industry, metallurgy, casting, lubrication, sealing and other industrial fields.


Physical & Chemical Properties 

ITEM Unit Value
C % ≥ 99.5
S % ≤ 0.03
Ash % ≤ 0.30
Luftfeuchtigkeit % ≤ 0.20
N PPM ≤ 180
H PPM ≤ 120
O PPM ≤ 720
Bulk density g∕dm3 713
Size 0.5-5mm(according to per requirement)
Packing 20kgs Bag /25kgs Bag /Ton Bag


Graphite Electrode and Carbon Product Manufacturer