Вуглецеве волокно

Вуглецеве волокно

Вуглецеве волокно

Carbon fiber is made of organic fibers (such as polyacrylonitrile fibers, asphalt fibers, etc.) through a series of complex processes such as high temperature carbonization. Its carbon content is usually more than 90%, with excellent characteristics such as high strength, low density, and high temperature resistance, playing a key role in many advanced fields. Carbon fiber it can present a variety of shapes. Depending on your specific needs, they can be precisely machined to fit your exact dimensions.

Carbon fiber composition and properties

Carbon fiber is a kind of high performance fiber material with carbon element as the main component.

  • Висока міцність

This high strength comes from its unique microstructure. Its tight structure makes it able to withstand huge external forces without breaking easily. In terms of carbon fiber compression, although its compressive performance is slightly worse than tensile, it still shows good endurance, and the compressive strength of carbon fiber compared with steel, in the specific strength (strength to density ratio) has a significant advantage, in aerospace and other areas that are extremely sensitive to the weight of the material, this characteristic makes it stand out.


  • Low density

The density of carbon fiber is about 1.5-2.0g /cm³, which is only about 1/4-1/5 of the density of steel. The low density of carbon fiber is mainly due to its special microstructure. The organic fiber is carbonized at high temperature, during which a large number of non-carbon elements such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are removed, and carbon atoms form a графіт-like crystal structure arranged along the axis of the fiber. This arrangement gives the carbon fiber both high strength and relatively loose internal structure, with large atomic spacing and a majority of light-weight атоми вуглецю, so the overall density is low.


  • Хороша хімічна стійкість

Carbon fiber has good tolerance to general chemicals, can maintain stable performance in a variety of chemical environments such as acid and alkali, and is not easy to cause chemical reactions to degrade performance, thus ensuring its long-term reliable work under complex conditions. Whether it is a humid Marine environment or an industrial site full of chemical corrosion, carbon fiber products can maintain long-term structural integrity and performance stability.


Carbon fiber manufacturing

Вуглецеве волокно manufacturing is more complex and fine. The first is the preparation of raw materials, and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers are used as precursors. Then pre-oxidation treatment is carried out, so that the fiber is heated in the air to about 200-300 ° C, forming a heat-stable trapezoidal structure. Followed by the карбонізація process, under the protection of an inert gas, the pre-oxidized fiber is heated to 1000-1500 ° C to remove the carbon element and form a carbon fibers with a higher вуглець content. It can then be graphitized to further improve the crystallinity and properties of the fibers.


In the forming stage, carbon fiber compression molding is one of the commonly used methods, that is, carbon fiber and resin and other matrix materials are mixed in a certain proportion, put into the mold, and solidified under certain pressure and temperature conditions to make composite materials of various shapes, such as carbon fiber plates, tubes and so on. In this process, the precise control of pressure, temperature, time and other parameters is essential to ensure product quality. Therefore, when selecting high-quality carbon fibers, key performance indicators such as carbon fiber tensile strength Mpa, compressive strength, elastic modulus, and density should be emphatically considered.


If you want to learn more about carbon fiber, your carbon fiber suppliers will provide you with professional explanations and guidance, and give you a wealth of technical advice. In addition, you can choose from a wide range of carbon fiber product types, such as unidirectional carbon fiber, braided carbon fiber, cut carbon fiber or prepreg carbon fiber.



Applications of carbon fibers

Аерокосмічна галузь

You can use carbon fiber for aircraft wings, fuselages and other structural components. It has light weight and high-strength characteristics. It can reduce the weight of the aircraft at the same time, meet the various mechanical requirements during the flight, such as withstand the tensile strength and compressive strength in flight, improve fuel efficiency.


Автомобільна промисловість

You can use carbon fiber to manufacture body frames, components, etc. The use of carbon fiber can effectively reduce the car’s own weight, improve the acceleration performance and fuel economy of the car, and when the vehicle is subjected to external forces such as collisions, its good compressive strength can provide certain safety protection.


Sporting goods

The sporting goods sector is also inseparable from carbon fiber. High-end badminton rackets, tennis rackets and golf clubs are made of carbon fiber. It can provide good tensile strength and handling performance for sports equipment, so that athletes can play a better level during use.
