Повний посібник для розуміння графіту в ядерних реакторах


Graphite plays an important role in a number of nuclear reactors, especially those which are at high temperatures or blow natural uranium as fuel. Graphite is commonly used in nuclear reactors as a moderator to slow down neutrons produced during fission. Graphite’s role in slowing down these neutrons allows for a much greater probability of causing further induced fission events, thus continuing the chain reaction.


Why is Graphite Used in Nuclear Reactors?

Neutron Moderation: The main draw of graphite in nuclear reactors is its capability to slow down fast neutrons. Neutrons are ejected at speeds much higher than after a fission reaction. The neutrons emitted from the fission processes must be slowed down so that they are more likely to cause further fission reactions in the reactor’s fuel. Graphite serves as a very good neutron moderator, and will not absorb neutrons too much.

High Temperature Resistance: Graphite can resist very high temperatures, a critical property in reactors that are intended to function at high temperatures. Graphite is the only material available which maintains its structural integrity even above 1,000°C, making it well suited for uses in high-temperature gas–cooled reactors (HTGR) and several advanced reactor types.

Graphs are “Transparent” for Neutron: Graphite is a “transparent” material according to neutron absorption, meaning that it does not absorb a significant number of the neutrons it moderates. This property helps guarantee that enough neutrons stay around to keep the chain reaction going.

Provides Structural Stability: Graphite is a relatively stable and durable material when exposed to extreme conditions; therefore, it provides a structural framework that ensures the proper operation of the reactor. It can also be shaped in its original state to adapt to the reactor shape, which opens up applicability to a large variety of options.


Graphite in Nuclear Reactors


How Does Graphite Work in Nuclear Reactors?

Fission Reaction: Fission of uranium or another fissile material creates fast neutrons.

Slower Neutrons for More Fission: The slowed neutrons, now known as thermal neutrons, are more likely to induce more fission when they collide with the uranium fuel. This moderation of the neutron cycle allows for the nuclear chain reaction to be controlled and maintained.

Graphite as a Moderator in Nuclear Reactors

Inelastic Scattering: Neutrons lose energy due to inelastic scattering with the graphite atoms, which leads to their slowing down. This process is very efficient with Graphite’s atomic structure, such that the neutrons losing speed still have enough energetic collision to loss neutron energy to fission.

Availability and cost: Graphite is abundant in nature and less expensive than other materials that can perform the same function, such as heavy water. This trend enhances the economic feasibility of graphite reactors, especially in high-energy output.


Neutron Reflection: Graphite not only slows down neutrons, it also reflects them back into the reactor core. This is an important quality because it helps to constrain the neutrons in the core where they are required, increasing the effectiveness of the reactor.

Heat Control: Although graphite is a very strong conductor of heat, used to carry heat from fission reactions from one area throughout the reactor. This is especially beneficial for reactors that can operate at higher temperatures, such as the HTGRs, because they need to be effective at dissipating heat to avoid overheating.

Structural Functionality: Another role that graphite serves is structural in nature within the reactor core. What are the properties that make it more suited and more stable than the materials that will be needed in reactors that will have complex geometries and that will need precision under extreme conditions?

Graphite’s Role in Reactor Efficiency

Use of Natural Uranium: A major advantage of графіт as a moderator is it enables reactors to use natural uranium as fuel. Most other reactors require what is known as “enriched” uranium, which is far more expensive than natural uranium, so reactors that do not require the more expensive enriched uranium also operation at a lower operating cost.

Enhanced Operational Temperatures: Reactor cores can also operate at higher temperatures due to graphite. Graphite enables better thermal efficiency in reactors such as the HTGR because it is capable of enduring the considerable heat generated during the fission reaction.

Safety Considerations

Improvements of Graphite: Through years of exposure to radiation and elevated temperatures, graphite is prone to decompose. This can affect its mildying properties and if this trend persists, possibly lead to structurally compromise. Therefore, its longevity inside reactors necessitates regular inspection and maintenance.

Flammability: Graphite is combustible particularly with oxygen high-temperature condition. This was a major problem in the Chernobyl disaster, where graphite fires exacerbated the nature of the disaster. If graphite gets hot enough, it can catch fire, so extra care must be taken to prevent that from happening if the reactor malfunctions.

Radiation Damage: Long-term exposure to radiation can lead to physical property changes in graphite, including embrittlement or cracking. This can result in poorer performance and higher maintenance requirements.

The Future of Graphite in Nuclear Reactors

Next-Gen Reactors: Graphite is being studied for use in next-gen nuclear reactors, including small modular reactors (SMRs) and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). These reactors are smaller, safer, and more efficient, and they continue to have graphite as a key design component.

New Beginnings: From developing advanced materials like new forms of graphite or composite materials that can withstand even higher levels of radiation and higher temperatures to improve safety and efficiency of the reactor.

Space Applications: Graphite is also under consideration for use in nuclear reactors meant for out-of-Earth applications, where the need for heat resistance and the capability of neutronic moderation make it an attractive option in space reactors.


Graphite was an essential part of nuclear reactor design for many years; it served as a moderator, structural material, and heat conductor. Its neutrons-lowering capacity combined with thermal stability and minimal neutron absorption makes it essential in reactors operating at natural uranium level and high temperature. Hence, research continues to tackle these major safety challenges while graphite based reactors are being improved upon. As the nuclear energy sector develops over the next decades, graphite could stay an important part of the energy mix for many years.
